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The skin consists of three layers – the epidermis or outer layer, the dermis or middle layer and the hypodermis or innermost layer. At regular intervals, the outer layer or epidermis is completely replaced with new skin.

Some reasons of inadequate sperm production include hormonal abnormalities, infection in the prostate gland, infected semen, varicoceles, use of anabolic steroids, damaged sperm ducts, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, cigarette smoking, certain medications

High level of uric acid in the blood is also known as hyperuricemia. This disease can be caused either by the decreased excretion of uric acid through the kidneys or the increased production of it inside the body. It can further cause some health is

Loose motion is the inconsistent passage of watery feces as bowels due to stomach disorder or inflammation which may at times be accompanied by severe pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever and weakness. It is usually caused due to overeatin

Hemiplegia is a medical term that is used when one side of the body gets paralyzed including one arm and one leg. Though there are many reasons for hemiplegia, the main cause is injury or disease of the motor nerve centers in the brain. When the righ

Chest pain is not always due to heart attack. There are many other causes of chest pain. However, whenever you feel pain in chest, you must visit your doctor to rule out any possibility of heart attack or other problems related to heart. This type of

Menstruation Pain could be very demanding specially for working women. I could give you horrors if you have this pain right before your examination or an important meeting. It not only weakens you physically sometimes but also leaves you mentally ver

Kiwi is known for its many health benefits. It is believed that kiwi is useful in controlling certain diseases like asthma and colon cancer. It is also said to be good for the eyes and prevents macular degeneration. It is also believed to be good for

Hair colour gets white usually after certain age of life. But if this appears at an early age, this is a serious concern and needs to be treated well. This may be the result of some diseases like hereditary disease or nervous shock. It may lead to em

Most people’s primary goal is to feel happy. Yet so many are brought to desperation because their desire seems elusive. One thing to remember, is that your happiness is in your own hands. This statement might sound like a cliché, but nonetheless it i

Mosquitoes survive by feeding on human and animal blood. They use their thin, sharp and elongated mouthpart to puncture the skin of the host and suck up the blood. Because the puncture is so small, we often don’t feel the bite when it

Ear infections are caused by bacteria or viruses in the middle ear. Ear infections occur more often in children than adults. Some causes and contributing factors that lead to ear infections are wax buildup, upper respiratory infections, food allergie