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Hyperpigmentation of the skin can cause uneven color and dark patches. Excessive production of melanin is responsible for this condition. Hyperpigmentation can occur on almost any part of the body, including the face, neck, hands, arms and legs.

Menopause is defined as the natural cessation of menstrual cycles and fertility in women. It is a biological process that occurs in every woman. It is a natural life change, not a disease or a disorder.

The most common cause of a black eye is a blow to the face. Black eyes can cause pain, blurry vision, swelling and headaches. It is a sort of bruising to the tissues around the eyes.

Minor wounds are mainly referred to the condition of skin where it undergoes small cut or torn out. Minor wounds include minor burns, puncture wounds, cuts, pressure sores and many more. The main reason for the occurrence of minor wounds can be accid

The problem of peeling fingertips is a common issue that is faced by many people at sometime or the other. As the skin on the fingers and around the tip is gentle and sensitive, proper care has to be taken in order to avoid the skin from peeling off.

It is a fungal infection. Medically called Tinea cruris, jock itch is basically a type of ringworm. As you might be knowing, the misnomer ringworm is a fungal infection that affects the outer layers of your skin, hair, or nails. Just like ringworm th

A boil, called a furuncle in medical terms, is an acute infection of a hair follicle. It is also known as skin abscess. Boils can occur on the inner thighs as well as on the face, armpit, back of the neck, throat, groin and buttocks. Simply put, boi

If there is one thing that people consider to be a big problem when they are outside the house, it is experiencing diarrhea. When people have diarrhea, they cannot concentrate on doing the tasks that they have to do. All that they can think about is

There are many different things that can cause headaches: Abrupt changes in your diet or an everyday schedule like getting too much or too little sleep, stress, long working hours, skipping a meal, or from using the computer for a long time without t

Some of the home remedies for female sterility or infertility include the use of banyan roots, blackberry leaves, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc in different forms. Exercises, yoga, and warm water are also useful and prove to be easy home remedies fo

Every year hundreds of infants and small children suffer from colds and coughs, mainly due to their weak immune systems. In fact, within the first year of life, most babies will have up to seven colds.

The glands in the throat, nose, air passages, stomach and the intestines produce mucous everyday. This mucous is thick and wet and keeps these areas well moistened and helps them to trap and destroy foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. Th