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Smooth lips look pretty and accentuate your looks! Chapped or dry lips will not do justice to your lip color or gloss, will make you look a bit shabby, no matter how well you try to conceal your chapped lips. Homemade beauty products, prepared with n

Honey is an extremely versatile element that can be added to food for sweetness, drank with water or in teas, can be applied to wounds, and even be used for beauty and health therapies. It has great antiviral properties and has large amounts of vitam

Loss of appetite can be described as a reluctance to eat anything. A person suffering from low appetite will not feel hungry which, in turn, decreases resistance mechanism of the human body and raises the chances of illness.

Marula oil is a natural cold compressed oil indigenous to South Africa and Madagascar. The fruits are handpicked by the tribal women of the Namibian tribe and the oil is extracted from the nut of the Marula fruit. These trees are bio-dynamic and drou

Melasma, which means skin hyperpigmentation, is a very common skin condition. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, melasma affects an estimated six million people in the United States and is more common among women than men.

Palm jaggery is an excellent substitute for white sugar. Let’s put it this way-As compared to white sugar that is devoid of nutrients, palm jaggery is a nutritious sweetener. All the phytonutrients of white sugar get flushed out during processing. Ap

Today, we are going to learn, how to Dye Your Hair Naturally. Gone are the days when artificial hair coloring was used primarily by the older generation to combat the inevitable graying of their hair.

Peanut butter is a paste extracted from roasted and dried peanuts. Peanut butter can be regarded as a rich source of nutrients such as proteins, monounsaturated fatty acids, niacin, folate, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, carbohydrates,

Camu camu is a lemon sized tangy fruit grown on the riverbanks of the rain forests of Amazon basin. It has recently started coming in the limelight because of its amazing therapeutic benefits. Though research is still being carried on, what we know f

Though the king of fruits, our very own mango, steals the limelight easily, its leaves are great reservoirs of good health. The leaves of the mango tree are fleshy and shiny with a sharp tip. These trees provide shade and comfort to the passers-by in

As the long-term effects of antibacterial soaps become more widely known, people are turning to more natural alternatives. This movement has resurrected the art of soap making. If you are new to making soap you are in for a real treat! It can seem li

Practical Household Tips and Tricks for a Clean and Tidy Home