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It will be normal to urinate 4 to 6 times per day; however, if it is more than this number, you can be suffering from the frequent urination problem, especially when you urinate more than eight times per day. This problem can be caused by diabetes, a

When you suffer from increased body heat, you can have such symptoms as weakness, lethargy, dizziness, headache, nausea, muscle cramps, excessive sweating and a rapid heartbeat. Dehydration can be called a cause as well as an outcome of raised body h

Whether you have unwanted hair over your upper lips or chin, on cheeks or forehead, facial hair will remain like that- unwanted! A glowing face with bleached golden hair too doesn’t look that appealing. You also don’t want to shave these facial hair.

Sleep apnea is a very popular sleep disorder in which a person’s breathing is stopped or involuntarily interrupted while sleeping. This can last for about ten or more seconds and can happen hundreds of times per night.

There’s no doubt—naturally rosy lips are an appealing feature of a woman’s beauty or a man’s good looks. So, many people who have dark lips want to lighten them.

Fingernail fungus is very itchy and irritating, and in some cases, this can lead to the feeling of pain on skin. It was also widely known as the result of sensitive and dry skin,caused by the skin water deficiency and can sometimes even cause skin re

The sensitive tooth is also called dentin hypersensitivity that affects to root surfaces and the tooth. This condition happens when you get gum recession or when the enamel tries to protect your teeth. Almost of people get this problem and your teet

Burning feet is a common problem that can visit to everyone at any age. This disease can be severe and it might become chronic and acute. The reason of burning feet is dysfunction in nervous system or from alcohol abuse, diabetes, or exposure to som

The skin consists of three layers – the epidermis or outer layer, the dermis or middle layer and the hypodermis or innermost layer. At regular intervals, the outer layer or epidermis is completely replaced with new skin.

Some reasons of inadequate sperm production include hormonal abnormalities, infection in the prostate gland, infected semen, varicoceles, use of anabolic steroids, damaged sperm ducts, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, cigarette smoking, certain medications

High level of uric acid in the blood is also known as hyperuricemia. This disease can be caused either by the decreased excretion of uric acid through the kidneys or the increased production of it inside the body. It can further cause some health is

Loose motion is the inconsistent passage of watery feces as bowels due to stomach disorder or inflammation which may at times be accompanied by severe pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever and weakness. It is usually caused due to overeatin