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Apart from this we face various hair problems such as dandruff, dryness, frizzy hair and short growth of hair. Balanced hormones, healthy lifestyle and proper diet help in development and nourishment of hair.

A gum infection is not a very serious health condition. However, an infection in the gums could lead to a lot of pain, discomfort and other problems such as bleeding, toothache, swelling, tenderness, bad breath and inflammation

Before reading on about treating your dandruff at home, make sure you actually have dandruff. Chances are a good amount of the people visiting this page will actually have dry scalp, which differs from dandruff in symptoms and treatment. If you know

In this clip we are looking at the health benefits and risks of garlic. And these are just a couple forms from my kitchen, of course, fresh garlic is always the best. I have that too, and use it regularly.