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Pili is an evergreen tree of about 20 meters in height. This tree is native to Philippines. The ripe fruit of this deciduous tree possess thick black skin and you can find the nut inside a hard shell which is enclosed in a greenish pulp. Pili nuts ar

Onion is rich in sulfur. This mineral is one of the main building blocks of hair. It improves blood circulation and provides the hair follicles with sufficient nourishment. Onion also has anti-bacterial properties, so it helps with scalp infections t

Colic is an irritating condition which causes distress and unexplained crying in an otherwise healthy, well-fed baby. Colic in babies is really frustrating and the babies cry for more than three hours a day, three days per week or longer. This is a d

Frostbite occurs when the flesh is frozen due to exposure to cold temperature for too long. Frostbite most commonly occurs in chin, cheeks, ears, nose, toes, and fingers. In serious cases, it can even cause amputation of affected regions in the body.

Note: Do consult your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment of this condition. Use home remedies just as an adjunct treatment.

Chest pain is not always due to heart attack. There are many other causes of chest pain. However, whenever you feel pain in chest, you must visit your doctor to rule out any possibility of heart attack or other problems related to heart. This type of

Whether you have unwanted hair over your upper lips or chin, on cheeks or forehead, facial hair will remain like that- unwanted! A glowing face with bleached golden hair too doesn’t look that appealing. You also don’t want to shave these facial hair.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease where antibodies mistake the body’s own tissues as an enemy and starts to attack. This attack leads to inflammation and chronic pain in the joints and muscles. It can also cause sun sensitivity, weight loss, hair loss,

We will discuss as Remedies for Dehydration. Dehydration in turn can disrupt the normal metabolic functions of the body. Depending on the extent of bodily fluids lost (and not replenished in a timely manner), dehydration which is also known as hypo h

Many home remedies have been used for centuries using basic household ingredients to cure and prevent jaundice. Many of them have been found effective in flushing out the excess bilirubin from the body and detoxifying the blood and promoting normal l

Stripes or streaks formed on the skin as a result of swift stretching of skin or weight changes. They primarily show up on belly because of pregnancy or obesity. When the connective tissue is stretched due to the expansion and contraction of skin, th

An asthma attack can occur when an irritant—usually a common substance like smoke, cold or dry air, pollen, mold, or dust mites meets a set of temperamental lungs. Hormonal fluctuations, stress, and anger can also trigger an attack. Sometimes there’s