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Kiwi is known for its many health benefits. It is believed that kiwi is useful in controlling certain diseases like asthma and colon cancer. It is also said to be good for the eyes and prevents macular degeneration. It is also believed to be good for

The sensitive tooth is also called dentin hypersensitivity that affects to root surfaces and the tooth. This condition happens when you get gum recession or when the enamel tries to protect your teeth. Almost of people get this problem and your teet

The immune system is the body’s defense mechanism to handle invaders. It is our body’s second line of defense, after physical barriers like the skin and the mucous membranes.

Achilles tendonitis (also spelled tendinitis) refers to an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon that attaches your calf muscles at the back of your lower leg to your heel. Tendonitis due to overuse is most common in younger and middle-aged people w

Nearly 99% of spider bites are harmless; however, some bites are toxic and can cause a variety of adverse effects on the body. In any case, appropriately treating a bite is crucial to eliminate any poison in the body and prevent further damage to the

Some of the home remedies for female sterility or infertility include the use of banyan roots, blackberry leaves, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc in different forms. Exercises, yoga, and warm water are also useful and prove to be easy home remedies fo

It is a fungal infection. Medically called Tinea cruris, jock itch is basically a type of ringworm. As you might be knowing, the misnomer ringworm is a fungal infection that affects the outer layers of your skin, hair, or nails. Just like ringworm th

While some women sail through pregnancy with ease, for many it can be really difficult due to nausea and vomiting. Vomiting, also known as morning sickness, is a normal part of pregnancy, especially during the first three months (first trimester). In

If you see small flies in your kitchen or around your indoor plants, they’re probably fruit flies or gnats. Fruit flies and gnats are small fly species, with many similarities as well as unique traits. Fruit flies are mostly attracted to vegetables

Plaque is a sticky, soft film of bacteria that builds up on your teeth, dental fillings, gums, tongue, dentures and crowns. When multiple layers of plaque combine with minerals present in your saliva, it hardens into a white, chalky calcified substa

The underarm area is a very sensitive zone on the body, and unfortunately, it is also very prone to rash. As one of the warmest places on the external area of the body, it is a breeding ground for bacteria, and rashes can easily develop as a result o

Sensitive teeth are a very common problem that millions of people face all over the world.It can make life miserable as you cannot enjoy the foods you like most such as hot, cold or sweet foods. Even drinking a cup of tea or coffee or eating an ice-c